King piece.
A pawn is a piece that can only go forward (facing its forward from its color pieces)
If a pawn make it to the other side of the board, it promotes in either a queen, a bishop, a knight or a rook.
Value parameters
- c
The color of the piece.
- p
The position of the piece.
- Graph
- Supertypes
Members list
Value members
Concrete methods
The available movements of pawn.
The available movements of pawn.
A pawn can move forward of one square if the path is clear, or capture an enemy piece in its direct diagonal forward vicinity.
If a pawn makes its first move, it can move two squares at once if the path is clear.
Value parameters
- enemiesPieces
Enemies pieces.
- friendlyPieces
Allies pieces.
- Returns
Available movements of the pawn.
- Definition Classes
Indicates if en passant is possible for this pawn.
Indicates if en passant is possible for this pawn.
- Returns
true if it is possible, false otherwise.
The pawn can promote when it reaches the last row.
The pawn can promote when it reaches the last row.
Value parameters
- kind
The piece name into which promotes.
- Returns
The wanted piece.
Inherited methods
The color of the piece.
A piece cannot move if it puts its king in check.
A piece cannot move if it puts its king in check.
This function filters valid moves from invalid ones. It verifies if the king is not the direct target of enemies pieces once the piece has moved.
The function does not modify any of the parameters, neither the piece itself.
Value parameters
- enemiesPieces
The enemies pieces.
- friendlyKing
The ally king.
- friendlyPieces
The allies pieces.
- targetPosition
The square the piece wants to go.
- Returns
true if the move is valid, false otherwise.
- Inherited from:
- Piece
Move a piece.
Move a piece.
This function moves a piece by moving its given position.
Value parameters
- newColumn
The new position column
- newRow
The new position row
- Inherited from:
- Piece
Move a piece.
Move a piece.
This function moves a piece by moving its given position.
Value parameters
- newPos
The new position
- Inherited from:
- Piece
Inherited fields
Movements for long range pieces.
Movements for long range pieces.
Returns a list containing all the squares in the given direction from the piece Position until it reaches either the end of the board or a piece.
If the last square is an enemy piece, keep it to the list (because it can be captured)
- Inherited from:
- Piece